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A. Lyras, S. Vernikou, S. Sioutas, Ph. Mylonas
Modeling Credibility in Social Big Data using LSTM Neural Networks
17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), October 26-28, 2021
Communication accounts for a vital need among people in order to express and exchange ideas, emotions, messages, etc. Social media fulfill this necessity as users can make use of a variety of platforms like Twitter, to leave their digital fingerprint by uploading personal data. The ever humongous volume of users claims for evaluation and that is why the subject of user credibility or trust in a social network is equally vital and meticulously discussed in this paper. Specifically, a trust method, as we measure user credibility and trust in a social environment using user metrics, is proposed. Our dataset is derived from Twitter and consists of tweets from a popular television series. Initially, our text data are analyzed and preprocessed using NLP tools and in following, a balanced dataset that serves in model evaluation and parameter tuning, is constructed. A deep learning forecasting model, which uses LSTM/BiLSTM layers along with classic Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and predicts user credibility, is accessed for its worth in terms of model accuracy.
26 October , 2021
A. Lyras, S. Vernikou, S. Sioutas, Ph. Mylonas, "Modeling Credibility in Social Big Data using LSTM Neural Networks", 17th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2021), October 26-28, 2021
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