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G. Trichopoulos, J. Aliprantis, M. Konstantakis, K. Michalakis, Ph. Mylonas, Y. Voutos, G. Caridakis
Augmented and personalized digital narratives for Cultural Heritage under a tangible interface
16th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization (SMAP 2021), November 4-5, 2021
Digital storytelling is widely used to enhance the process of integrating images, music, narrative and voice along with traditional storytelling methods. In recent years, newer visualization technologies such as Augmented and Virtual Reality allow more vivid representations and further influence the way museums present their cultural heritage through interactive narratives. Nowadays, many cultural institutions aim towards integrating such technologies to provide a more engaging experience, which is also tailored to the user by exploiting personalization and context awareness. In this work, the authors present the CHATS platform, a system for personalized digital storytelling in cultural heritage sites, enhanced with state-of-the-art visualization techniques. Technologies of AR and Smart Glasses are used to enhance visitors' experience, while also context-aware and personalization methods are used to provide cultural information based on user¢s profiles and interests.
04 November , 2021
G. Trichopoulos, J. Aliprantis, M. Konstantakis, K. Michalakis, Ph. Mylonas, Y. Voutos, G. Caridakis, "Augmented and personalized digital narratives for Cultural Heritage under a tangible interface", 16th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation & Personalization (SMAP 2021), November 4-5, 2021
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