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N. Iliadis, S. Palamas, Ph. Mylonas
Implementation and study of user strategies within a custom video game environment
25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2021), 26-28 November 2021, Volos, Greece
The quality of the gameplay of a computer game is one of the most important factors for its success. Even the best game visuals (graphics) can not compensate for a bad gameplay. In this context, the difficulty of the game is an important factor for the overall gaming experience. Dynamically adjusting the difficulty to the player¢s skills can provide a more personalized and challenging playing environment. The present study suggests an implementation of a Dynamical Difficulty Adjustment mechanism, integrated in a First Person Shooter developed from scratch with Unreal Engine 4. The mechanism is based on an extensive set of user statistics/metrics collected during the game and processed with data-mining techniques, in order to rate user¢s skills and performance on every stage of the game. The rating is then used, to automatically adjust a set of gameplay parameters and behaviors for the next part of the game, providing a custom-tailored difficulty level that matches the player¢s skills.
26 November , 2021
N. Iliadis, S. Palamas, Ph. Mylonas, "Implementation and study of user strategies within a custom video game environment", 25th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Informatics (PCI 2021), 26-28 November 2021, Volos, Greece
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