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G. Caridakis
Emotion Analysis in Natural Human Computer Interaction - Ανάλυση Συναισθήματος στην Φυσική Αλληλεπίδραση Ανθρώπου Μηχανής
PhD Thesis, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
This thesis deals with the field of Affective Computing and Human Computer Interaction. Chapter 2 presents new aspects of affective computing, namely multimodal, dynamic emotion recognition focusing on naturalistic behavior and context adaptation, while chapter3 deals with the computational formalization of gesture expressivity features, with validation of the extraction algorithm and with the derivation of a framework for multimodal and expressive synthesis on Embodied Conversational Agents. Chapter 4 deals with aspects of human computer interaction such as alternative means of interaction, Universal Access and Assistive Technology by proposing a novel scheme for automatic gesture and sign language recognition and a sign language synthesis platform. Furthermore, gesture recognition contributes to emotion analysis both by extracting primary information concerning the emotional content that accompanies a gesture and by supporting the qualitative process of expressivity features extraction.
03 July , 2009
G. Caridakis, "Emotion Analysis in Natural Human Computer Interaction - Ανάλυση Συναισθήματος στην Φυσική Αλληλεπίδραση Ανθρώπου Μηχανής", PhD Thesis, National Technical University of Athens, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
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