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E.Spyrou, Ph. Mylonas and S. Kollias
Concept-Based Multimedia Processing using Semantic and Contextual Knowledge
Perceptual Digital Imaging: Methods And Applications, R. Lukac (eds.), CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, March 2017
An important step for narrowing the semantic gap is to automate the process of semantic feature extraction and annotation of multimedia content objects, by enhancing image and video classification with semantic characteristics. The main idea introduced herein relies on the integrated handling of concepts evident within multimedia content. Recent advances in the research field of knowledge-assisted multimedia analysis along with the emerge of new content and metadata representations, have driven more and more researchers looking beyond solely low-level features (e.g. color, texture, and shape) in pursuit of more effective high-level multimedia representation and analysis methods. Current and previous multimedia research efforts are starting to focus on the combination of both low-level descriptors computed automatically from raw multimedia content and semantics focusing in extracting high-level features.
30 March , 2017
E.Spyrou, Ph. Mylonas and S. Kollias, "Concept-Based Multimedia Processing using Semantic and Contextual Knowledge", Perceptual Digital Imaging: Methods And Applications, R. Lukac (eds.), CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, March 2017
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