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K. Stamou, Y. Voutos, S. Palamas, Ph. Mylonas
Designing an experiential educational game for the investigation of aspects of the Greek revolution
Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2021), May 28-29, 2021
The 21st century is characterized by the extended involvement of people, sometimes – when taken to the edge - forming a new kind of addiction, on the production and “consumption” of digital data, especially in the form of multimedia content. In this context, computer games have evolved to become one of the most familiar and widespread forms of digital content, by further enhancing the active involvement of their players. It comes to no surprise that systematic scientific research has been carried out on the deployment of computer games as a means of a new type of historical documentation and representation that utterly alters the way History can be perceived by the general public. Moreover, digital games as a modern means of knowledge mediation are capable of presenting under judgment what has happened in the past, while, in the form of “serious games”, they employ pedagogical techniques to enhance both the level of knowledge and the skills of the players. Our present work proposes a design methodology for the development of such an educational gaming tool, utilizing well-established behavioral and cognitive learning models to form an innovative approach to the Greek revolution. Thus, the educational content will be coupled with game mechanics following principles of the persuasive technology.
28 May , 2021
K. Stamou, Y. Voutos, S. Palamas, Ph. Mylonas, "Designing an experiential educational game for the investigation of aspects of the Greek revolution", Digital Culture & AudioVisual Challenges (DCAC-2021), May 28-29, 2021
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