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G. Drakopoulos, E. Kafeza, Ph. Mylonas, L. Iliadis
Transform Based Graph Topology Similarity Metrics
Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, June 2021
Graph signal processing has recently emerged as a field with applications across a broad spectrum of fields including brain connectivity networks, logistics and supply chains, social media, computational aesthetics, and transportation networks. In this paradigm, signal processing methodologies are applied to the adjacency matrix, seen as a two-dimensional signal. Fundamental operations of this type include graph sampling, the graph Laplace transform, and graph spectrum estimation. In this context, topology similarity metrics allow meaningful and efficient comparisons between pairs of graphs or along evolving graph sequences. In turn, such metrics can be the algorithmic cornerstone of graph clustering schemes. Major advantages of relying on existing signal processing kernels include parallelism, scalability, and numerical stability. This work presents a scheme for training a tensor stack network to estimate the topological correlation coefficient between two graph adjacency matrices compressed with the two-dimensional discrete cosine transform, augmenting thus the indirect decompression with knowledge stored in the network. The results from three benchmark graph sequences are encouraging in terms of mean square error and complexity especially for graph sequences. An additional key point is the independence of the proposed method from the underlying domain semantics. This is primarily achieved by focusing on higher-order structural graph patterns.
15 June , 2021
G. Drakopoulos, E. Kafeza, Ph. Mylonas, L. Iliadis, "Transform Based Graph Topology Similarity Metrics", Neural Computing and Applications, Springer, June 2021
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