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K. Karpouzis, G. Votsis, Y. Xirouxakis and S. Kollias
Efficient Use of Content–Based Retrieval in Quick Browsing: a Realization
Proceedings of International Workshop on Signal Processing for Multimedia, Denmark, August 1998
In this work, a multimedia system is developed for the efficient retrieval and processing of information stored in multimedia databases. Intelligent agents are employed in order to limit the search into minor subsets of the database and content-based query and retrieval schemes are implemented for efficient browsing. Particular focus is given to the retrieval and processing of human faces, involving face detection schemes. On top of the proposed system, processing of the retrieved information is discussed; 3-D recovery and animation is addressed in the case of human faces.
01 August , 1998
K. Karpouzis, G. Votsis, Y. Xirouxakis and S. Kollias, "Efficient Use of Content–Based Retrieval in Quick Browsing: a Realization", Proceedings of International Workshop on Signal Processing for Multimedia, Denmark, August 1998
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