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M. Wallace, G. Akrivas, G. Stamou
Automatic Thematic Categorization of Documents Using a Fuzzy Taxonomy and Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2003), St. Liouis, MO, USA, May 2003
In this paper we formally define the problem of automatic detection of thematic categories in a semantically indexed document, and identify the main obstacles to overcome in this process. Furthermore, we explain how detection of thematic categories can be achieved, with the use of a fuzzy quasi-taxonomic relation. Our approach relies on a fuzzy hierarchical clustering algorithm; this algorithm uses a similarity measure that is based on the notion of context.
26 May , 2003
M. Wallace, G. Akrivas, G. Stamou, "Automatic Thematic Categorization of Documents Using a Fuzzy Taxonomy and Fuzzy Hierarchical Clustering", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2003), St. Liouis, MO, USA, May 2003
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