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M. Wallace, K. Karpouzis, M. Stefanou, I. Maglogiannis, S. Kollias
Electronic Roads in Historical Documents: a Student Oriented Approach
Education and Information Technologies 9(3), pp. 271–289, 2004.
The new educational approaches, as far as teaching of history in secondary education is concerned, are characterized by a shift away from sterile memorization and towards a critical approach of historical facts and phenomena; the aim is to contribute to both the development of students˘ historical concept and conscience and the promotion of critical thought. These teaching goals are pursued by promoting initiative of the students through self study assignments in the form of projects; students can be greatly supported in such tasks by computer-based applications, which can offer access to vast amounts of historical texts and data to be used next to the main scholar textbook and be analyzed by students. Still, existing applications seem to be quite inadequate for this purpose, as they require that the student be already informed on a matter, before the initiation of a quest for data. In this paper, we describe an intelligent information system that is designed to facilitate browsing of educational material and historical sources, thus allowing students to efficiently retrieve information on topics that are not yet known to them and expand in this way their historical knowledge. This can help in fulfilling the aforementioned teaching goals. Our system relies on the notion of the Electronic Road.
17 May , 2004
M. Wallace, K. Karpouzis, M. Stefanou, I. Maglogiannis, S. Kollias , "Electronic Roads in Historical Documents: a Student Oriented Approach", Education and Information Technologies 9(3), pp. 271–289, 2004.
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