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A. Raouzaiou, E. Spyrou, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias
An Intermediate Expressions˘ Generator System in the MPEG-4 Framework
L. Atzori, D. Giusto, R. Leonardi, F. Pereira. (Eds.): Visual Content Processing and Representation 2005, LNCS, Vol. 3893, pp. 129 – 136, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
A lifelike human face can enhance interactive applications by providing straightforward feedback to and from the users and stimulating emotional responses from them. An expressive, realistic avatar should not "express himself" in the narrow confines of the six archetypal expressions. In this paper, we present a system which generates intermediate expression profiles (set of FAPs) combining profiles of the six archetypal expressions, by utilizing concepts included in the MPEG-4 standard.
11 April , 2006
A. Raouzaiou, E. Spyrou, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias, "An Intermediate Expressions˘ Generator System in the MPEG-4 Framework", L. Atzori, D. Giusto, R. Leonardi, F. Pereira. (Eds.): Visual Content Processing and Representation 2005, LNCS, Vol. 3893, pp. 129 – 136, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
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