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S. Ioannou, M. Wallace and S. Kollias
Intelligent Facial Analysis and Expression Recognition
International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, July 2006.
Since facial expressions are a key modality in human communication, the automated analysis of facial images and video for the estimation of the displayed expression is central in the design of intuitive and human friendly computer interaction systems. In this paper we present an intelligent feature extraction system which combines analysis from multiple channels based on their confidence, to result in better, error resilient facial feature boundary detection. Neural networks are a key component of the system. Issues such as uncertainty and lack of confidence in the process of feature extraction are considered during the expression analysis and recognition. Various results are presented which illustrate the performance of the method.
16 July , 2006
S. Ioannou, M. Wallace and S. Kollias, "Intelligent Facial Analysis and Expression Recognition", International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), Vancouver, Canada, July 2006.
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