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Y. Xirouhakis, A. Drosopoulos, and A. Delopoulos
A Novel Approach for the Estimation of Camera Motion in Virtual Studios Applications
International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and 3D Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'99), Santorini, Greece, September 1999
Recent advances in computer science have attracted a major part of the entertainment industry. The rapid development in computer hardware along with image and video processing research have provided a whole new set of tools for video production companies. Maybe the most usual case is the chromakeying technique, used to composite a video sequence taken by a real camera with computer graphics. This has resulted in some very interesting visual effects with the weather report programs being the most common of them. In virtual studios applications, approaches that don't assume the use of stationary cameras, either require expensive designated equipment or heuristic algorithms and human interaction. Present work extends the traditional blue screen techniques and employs a 3D motion estimation algorithm, based on line correspondences, for real-time camera positioning in a virtual set. Thus, composition of the pre-captured or synthetic background with the active 3D scene is performed in an accurate and straightforward way.
01 September, 1999
Y. Xirouhakis, A. Drosopoulos, and A. Delopoulos, "A Novel Approach for the Estimation of Camera Motion in Virtual Studios Applications", International Workshop on Synthetic-Natural Hybrid Coding and 3D Imaging (IWSNHC3DI'99), Santorini, Greece, September 1999
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