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S. Ioannou, L. Kessous, G. Caridakis, K. Karpouzis, V. Aharonson, S. Kollias
Adaptive On-Line Neural Network Retraining for Real Life Multimodal Emotion Recognition
International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2006, Athens, Greece, September 2006.
Emotions play a major role in human-to-human communication enabling people to express themselves beyond the verbal domain. In recent years, important advances have been made in unimodal speech and video emotion analysis where facial expression information and prosodic audio features are treated independently. The need however to combine the two modalities in a naturalistic context, where adaptation to specific human characteristics and ex-pressivity is required, and where single modalities alone cannot provide satis-factory evidence, is clear. Appropriate neural network classifiers are proposed for multimodal emotion analysis in this paper, in an adaptive framework, which is able to activate retraining of each modality, whenever deterioration of the re-spective performance is detected. Results are presented based on the IST HUMAINE NoE naturalistic database; both facial expression information and prosodic audio features are extracted from the same data and feature-based emotion analysis is performed through the proposed adaptive neural network methodology.
10 July , 2006
S. Ioannou, L. Kessous, G. Caridakis, K. Karpouzis, V. Aharonson, S. Kollias, "Adaptive On-Line Neural Network Retraining for Real Life Multimodal Emotion Recognition", International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN) 2006, Athens, Greece, September 2006.
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