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J. -C. Martin, G. Caridakis, L. Devillers, K. Karpouzis, S. Abrilian
Manual annotation and automatic image processing of multimodal emotional behaviors: validating the annotation of TV interviews
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special issue on Emerging Multimodal Interfaces, Volume 13, Number 1 / January 2009, pp. 69-76.
There have been a lot of psychological research on emotion and nonverbal communication. Yet, these studies were based mostly on acted basic emotions. This paper explores how manual annotation and image processing can cooperate towards the representation of spontaneous emotional behavior in low-resolution videos from TV. We describe a corpus of TV interviews and the manual annotations that have been defined. We explain the image-processing algorithms that have been designed for the automatic estimation of movement quantity. Finally, we explore how image processing can be used for the validation of manual annotations.
17 January , 2009
J. -C. Martin, G. Caridakis, L. Devillers, K. Karpouzis, S. Abrilian, "Manual annotation and automatic image processing of multimodal emotional behaviors: validating the annotation of TV interviews", Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Special issue on Emerging Multimodal Interfaces, Volume 13, Number 1 / January 2009, pp. 69-76.
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