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J. Molina, E. Spyrou, N. Sofou and J. M. Martínez
On the selection of MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors and their Level of Detail for Nature Disaster Video Sequences Classification
2nd international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies (SAMT), Italy, Genova, 2007
In this paper, we present a study on the discrimination capabilities of colour, texture and shape MPEG-7 visual descriptors, within the context of video sequences. The target is to facilitate the recognition of certain visual cues which would then allow the classification of natural disaster-related concepts. Low-level visual features are extracted using the MPEG-7 “eXperimentation Module” (XM). The extraction times associated to the levels of detail of the descriptors are measured. The pattern sets obtained as combination of significant levels of detail of different descriptors are the input to a Support Vector Machine (SVM), resulting on the classification accuracies. Preliminary results indicate that this approach could be useful for the implementation of real-time spatial regions classifiers.
05 December , 2007
J. Molina, E. Spyrou, N. Sofou and J. M. Martínez, "On the selection of MPEG-7 Visual Descriptors and their Level of Detail for Nature Disaster Video Sequences Classification", 2nd international conference on Semantics And digital Media Technologies (SAMT), Italy, Genova, 2007
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