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S. Asteriadis, P. Tzouveli, K. Karpouzis, S. Kollias
Estimation of behavioral user state based on eye gaze and head pose—application in an e-learning environment
Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Volume 41, Number 3 / February, 2009, pp. 469-493.
Most e-learning environments which utilize user feedback or profiles, collect such information based on questionnaires, resulting very often in incomplete answers, and sometimes deliberate misleading input. In this work, we present a mechanism which compiles feedback related to the behavioral state of the user (e.g. level of interest) in the context of reading an electronic document; this is achieved using a non-intrusive scheme, which uses a simple web camera to detect and track the head, eye and hand movements and provides an estimation of the level of interest and engagement with the use of a neuro-fuzzy network initialized from evidence from the idea of Theory of Mind and trained from expert-annotated data. The user does not need to interact with the proposed system, and can act as if she was not monitored at all. The proposed scheme is tested in an e-learning environment, in order to adapt the presentation of the content to the user profile and current behavioral state. Experiments show that the proposed system detects reading- and attention-related user states very effectively, in a testbed where children¢s reading performance is tracked.
27 February , 2009
S. Asteriadis, P. Tzouveli, K. Karpouzis, S. Kollias, "Estimation of behavioral user state based on eye gaze and head pose—application in an e-learning environment", Multimedia Tools and Applications, Springer, Volume 41, Number 3 / February, 2009, pp. 469-493.
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