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T. Mailis, G. Stoilos, G. Stamou
Expressive reasoning with horn rules and fuzzy description logics
Knowledge and Information Systems, Volume 25, Number 1, 105-136, 2010
In this paper, we describe fuzzy CARIN, a knowledge representation language combining fuzzy Description Logics with Horn rules. Fuzzy CARIN integrates the management of fuzzy logic into the non-recursive CARIN language. We introduce the decision problems of answering to conjunctive queries, unions of conjunctive queries and the existential entailment problem and provide a sound and complete algorithm that permits reasoning with the DL fuzzy ALCNR extended with non-recursive Horn rules. This extension is most useful in realistic applications that handle uncertain or imprecise data such as multimedia processing and medical applications.
21 May , 2010
T. Mailis, G. Stoilos, G. Stamou, "Expressive reasoning with horn rules and fuzzy description logics ", Knowledge and Information Systems, Volume 25, Number 1, 105-136, 2010
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