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K. Karpouzis, S. Tzavidas and S. Kollias
Parametric Representation of Basic Human Locomotion
Proc. of European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference (EURISCON), Athens Greece
In this paper, we propose a method for parametric synthesis of human walking. While human locomotion is generally extremely complex and hard to model abstractly, the use of kinesiology studies and machine vision techniques can assist in inferring a set of parameters, with the aid of which a wide variety of walk patterns can be reproduced. This set of parameters consists of the posture of the body at characteristic instances and the angle between specific body parts. By altering one or more of these parameters we succeed in animating several different walk cycles a 3D model, that differ from the original generic sequence ; thus, we can induce the notion of behavior or mood and reproduce them in a virtual world.
01 January , 1998
K. Karpouzis, S. Tzavidas and S. Kollias, "Parametric Representation of Basic Human Locomotion", Proc. of European Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control Conference (EURISCON), Athens Greece
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