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Y. Kalantidis, L. Kennedy and L.-J. Li
Getting the Look: Clothing Recognition and Segmentation for Automatic Product Suggestions in Everyday Photos
International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2013.
We present a scalable approach to automatically suggest relevant clothing products, given a single image without metadata. We formulate the problem as cross-scenario retrieval: the query is a real-world image, while the products from online shopping catalogs are usually presented in a clean environment. We divide our approach into two main stages: a) Starting from articulated pose estimation, we segment the person area and cluster promising image regions in order to detect the clothing classes present in the query image. b) We use image retrieval techniques to retrieve visually similar products from each of the detected classes. We achieve clothing detection performance comparable to the state-of-the-art on a very recent annotated dataset, while being more than 50 times faster. Finally, we present a large scale clothing suggestion scenario, where the product database contains over one million products.
01 April , 2013
Y. Kalantidis, L. Kennedy and L.-J. Li, "Getting the Look: Clothing Recognition and Segmentation for Automatic Product Suggestions in Everyday Photos", International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval (ICMR), 2013.
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