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A. Vlachostergiou, G. Stratogiannis, G. Caridakis, G. Siolas, Ph. Mylonas
Smart home context awareness based on Smart and Innovative Cities
2nd Workshop on Innovative European Policies and Applied Measures for Developing Smart Cities (IPMSC2015), in conjunction with EANN 2015, Rhodes, Greece, 25-28 September 2015
In the emerging Smart Cities - Smart Homes computing paradigms developing a formalization for context information is increasingly important. In the present paper, based on the EU FIRE research project ``Social and Smart"we aim to formalize and build a complete formal definition of context in both home and city scale. Using sensors as a Smart City service and local sensors installed locally in Smart Homes, it is possible to collect continuously context data, such as temperature, humidity, noise and pollution levels. This context information can be used to adapt to user-specific needs in the Smart Home environment via the incorporation of user defined home rules. Semantic web technologies are used to support the knowledge representation of this ecosystem. The overall architecture has been experimentally verified using input from the SmartSantander Smart City project and applying it to the SandS Smart Home within the FIRE and FIWARE framework. Finally, two examples are presented in order to stress how the smart home appliances adapt their function to home rules and context information.
25 September, 2015
A. Vlachostergiou, G. Stratogiannis, G. Caridakis, G. Siolas, Ph. Mylonas, "Smart home context awareness based on Smart and Innovative Cities", 2nd Workshop on Innovative European Policies and Applied Measures for Developing Smart Cities (IPMSC2015), in conjunction with EANN 2015, Rhodes, Greece, 25-28 September 2015
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