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G. Votsis, N. Tsapatsoulis, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias
A Simplified Representation of 3D Human Faces adapted from 2D Images
Proceedings of the NMBIA'98, Glasgow, UK
An approach towards multirate modeling of human faces, given 2D images, is proposed in this paper. The tool involves the utilization of the 2D views -upon which certain protuberant points are automatically detected- and the adaptation of a generic 3D head model (polygon mesh) according to the predetermined information gained by the available views. This mesh provides shape information which -combined with texture information- efficiently describes specific 3D human faces. During the texture map creation process, issues related to the luminance differences and rotation variance between the available views, are successfully dealt with. Regarding the adaptation of the polygon topology of the 3D model, we apply a set of localized transformations, in order to preserve the continuity of the human head surface. Besides this, the problem of the minimum organic model representation required is addressed. The aspect under which this issue is verged upon, is that of the solution of a trade-off problem between low computational complexity and high approximation quality.
01 January , 1998
G. Votsis, N. Tsapatsoulis, K. Karpouzis and S. Kollias, "A Simplified Representation of 3D Human Faces adapted from 2D Images", Proceedings of the NMBIA'98, Glasgow, UK
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