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M. Mavrikis, A. Vasalou, L. Benton, C. Raftopoulou, A. Symvonis, K. Karpouzis, D. Wilkins
Towards Evidence-informed Design Principles for Adaptive Reading Games
CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
This demonstration presents the design principles of the Navigo games for young children¢s reading. By reflecting on our design tools and processes we explore the way theory, empirical evidence and practice have informed our game design. We look into the reciprocal role of theory and design and provide transferable lessons for design of educational technologies in the context of HCI.
08 May , 2019
M. Mavrikis, A. Vasalou, L. Benton, C. Raftopoulou, A. Symvonis, K. Karpouzis, D. Wilkins, "Towards Evidence-informed Design Principles for Adaptive Reading Games", CHI 2019, May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK
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