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Project CJIS
FrameWork INCO
Contract Number:
Full Name Cultural Journeys in the Information Society
Participants IVML, Infogroup SA (GR), Ucyprus (CY), Univ. of Castilla (SP), Univ. of Cairo (EG), RSS Jordan (JO)
Budget €54000
Duration 1998-2001 (1 months)
Description The overall objective of this project is to set up a framework to build interactive-multimedia networks over the Internet and WWW that would act as Electronic Roads for cultural and historical exploration in five Euro-Med countries with particular emphasis on the cross-national links of these Electronic Roads. This general objective can be broken down to three more specific objectives as follows: to study and develop an appropriate methodological framework for the development of multimedia systems for cultural exploration across national and regional boundaries, to technologically build particular prototypes of these regional Electronic Roads, to deploy these systems in various studies of the social and educational impact of the Information Society in the Euro-Med region.
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