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Project -
FrameWork BIOMED-1
Contract Number:
Full Name Laser Doppler Flowmetry for Microcirculation Monitoring
Participants IVML, Elisabeth Hospital (NL), Imperial College, Moor Instruments Ltd. (UK), Chieti University, Universita di Pisa, Servizio di Patologia Neonatale (I), Hopitaux de Toulouse (FR), Medizinische Klinik, Friedrich-Schiller Universitat Jena, Medizinische Universitat zu Lubeck (D), Karolinska Hospital, M
Budget €8500
Duration 1993-1995 (1 months)
Description The object of the project was the monitoring of Laser Doppler biomedical signals so as to extract data useful to classify them. The signals are received through ultrasonic devices in order to study the flow of blood in the heart and peripheral vessels with the aid of higher order statistics and bispectrum analysis
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