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Project SPERO
Contract Number:
Full Name TeleInformatics System for Continuous Collection, Processing, Diffusion of Material for Teacher Training in Special Education
Participants IVML(GR), Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR), County Council of Viborg (DK), Iceland University of Education (ICE), Glasgow Caledonian University (UK), Centro De Profesores y Recursos de Gijon (ES)
Budget €700000
Duration 2002-2004 (36 months)
Description The overall objective of SPERO project is to provide data concerning the field of special educational needs in order to identify the meaning of exclusion and to introduce policies and strategies for social inclusion. SPERO will collect and process material of training teachers mainly in special education. This will offer valuable information in the area of training. Samples will be gathered in several working posts where professionals meet current needs by not using "tools" based of ICT. Data will be collected by the "clever" questionnaire, which will be used to analyse factors, and variables that may lead to unemployment and social exclusion. Emerging issues will lead to proposed actions that may be adopted in order to prevent the risk of unemployment.
URL http://www.image.ntua.gr/spero/ 
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