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Project CARE
FrameWork Ελληνογερμανική συνεργασία
Contract Number:
Full Name a Sentient Context-Aware Recommender system for the Elderly
Participants University of Augsburg, ICCS-NTUA, Fachhochschule Augsburg
Budget €412500
Duration 2013-2015 (24 months)
Description The objective of the CARE project (A Sentient Context-Aware Recommender System for the Elderly) is to develop a sensitive and highly personalized assistance system to support single-living people in their domestic environment. As-sistance is given in the form of situationally appropriate and unobtrusive recommendations to encourage physical, mental and social activities, all aimed at increasing individual quality of life and vitality. The required high level of cus-tomization to individual user needs and the living context is enabled through the use of body-worn sensors as well as sensors that are embedded in the seniors’ living environment. We will apply innovative methods for analyzing sensor data in order to obtain new insights about the residents’ current activity, physical condition and state of mind as well as their surroundings. Following a user-centered approach, we will implement four product-near CARE demonstrators that will be installed and evaluated in the homes of Greek and German pilot users. Along with the collection and anal-ysis of country-specific user requirements and technology usage patterns, the project paves the way for the timely exploitation of the project results. The goals set for CARE are of high relevance to Germany and Greece since both countries have to face a dramatic demographic change the impact of which is already evident in the increasing number of elderly people living alone. CARE is of great mutual benefit both for the German and the Greek consortium partners since the technologies and skills provided by the partners complement each other in an excellent manner allowing all three partners to integrate their research activities in the field of assistance systems for seniors.
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